NetClose - Create New Accrual

Accrual records are created in NetClose. They provide a record to track all changes to the accrual and its current status.

Step by Step

There are two ways you can set up accruals in NetClose:

  1.  Manually enter your accruals using the User Interface by creating an accrual record.
  2.  Import a list of accruals using the NetSuite CSV Import function.

See below for the step-by-step instructions for both options.

1. Manually Enter

Navigate to NetClose > Accruals > Create New Accrual. This will pull up an empty accrual record to be filled out.

Fill out the information as follows:

NameName of accrual.Payroll Accrual - April
SubsidiarySubsidiary the accrual is related to.ACME Holdings
CurrencyCurrency the accrual is recorded in this will default to the subsidiary's currency.USD
StatusStatus of the accrual: this will always be pending when created.Pending
DescriptionBrief description of the accrual.Blank
VendorVendor associated with the accrual.Blank
Accrual TypeSelect the type of accrual. This will auto-populate the accrual and expense accounts the journal will book.Legal Fees
DateDate the accrual should be booked.07/25/2023
JE MemoMemo to post with the journal entry.Legal Fees for July
Initial AmountThe dollar amount of the accrual.$8,500
Auto-Reversal DateDate the accrual will be automatically reversed.08/01/2023
Accrual AccountGL account to post the accrual to. This auto-fills based on the Accrual Type.2365 Other Accrual Expenses
Expense AccountGL account the accrual is expensed to. This auto-fills based on the Accrual Type. 6750 Operating Expenses
Classification InfoFill in the segment data as desired.Blank

Click Save

2. CSV Import

NetClose Accruals Upload Template

  • Download the above upload template and fill in the information for your accruals.
  • Save as a file as a CSV
  • Navigate to setup > import/export > import CSV records
    • Import Type = Custom Records
    • Record Type = NetClose Accruals
    • Select your file to import
  • Click "Next" and choose ADD
  • Click "Next" and map the fields from the CSV file to the fields in NetClose.
  • Click "Next" and then run the import.

Allocating Accruals

When deciding if there is a need to allocate an accrual, you can utilize Netgain Shared Transactions, where you can allocate in various aspects, most notably by percentage breakdown or by segment. See the following link on how to create an allocation template. After creating an allocation template, you can apply these templates to lines on your journal when creating the accrual.

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