NetClose - Work Calendar

When NetClose tasks are generated, they will automatically be assigned a due date based off the close timing and the work calendar. The work calendar lists the days where the company is closed, typically weekends and holidays. Work calendars will typically be entered at the beginning on the year for the entire year's schedule of days off. 

Work calendars are applied at a subsidiary level and are additive with respect to non-working days. This means that if a subsidiary has 3 calendars assigned to it, a non-working day that exists on ANY of the 3 calendars will be a non-working day in that subsidiary for purposes of scheduling close tasks. For this reason, it is best to start with a base calendar that has non-working days that apply to the whole company, or to the broadest set of subsidiaries possible. From there, continue to add calendars with non-working days that apply to different cohorts. You can go as far as creating a calendar for each individual subsidiary if that subsidiary has non-working days that only apply to it.

Close timing is set on the Close Task record. You can dictate your due dates in form of business days or absolute dates. See our guide on setting up close tasks for more detail. 

Example: For the month of February ending on a Wednesday, a task with a close timing of +3 days (meaning it needs to be completed 3 business days after the close), will be assigned a due date of the following Monday when the work calendar is set to work days being Monday-Friday. If there was a day off on the Monday, the system would assign the due date as Tuesday. 

Absolute due Dates
Please keep in mind that absolute due dates are not subject to work calendars or holidays. Meaning, if you use absolute due dates (rather than due dates in form of business days) they does not pay attention to your non-working days. If we change the example above and switch the close timing from 3 business days to an absolute due date of 3 days after close, the task would appear as being due on that Sunday.

Step by Step

Navigate to NetClose > Setup > Work Calendar. Select New NetClose Work Calendar

Out of the Box
The work calendar "NetClose Template - All Subsidiaries" is included when the bundle is downloaded. This calendar sets all subsidiaries to a Monday - Friday work week. It does not include any holidays. This calendar can be left as is, edited, or deleted depending on your use case.

The work calendar record will open and can be filled out as follows:

NameEnter the name of the calendar. We suggest including the year in the name as these are specific to the year.Holidays 2023 USA
SubsidiariesEither check the box for all subsidiaries or select the applicable subsidiaries for the calendar.ACME U.S.A.
Working Days Subtab 
Start AtEnter the time of day the work day usually starts.
8 am
Hours Per DayEnter the number of hours per day the company is usually open for. 8
Work DaysSelect the days of the week the company is usually open on.Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday

Click Save.

You have now finished setting up your Work Calendars. The Next steps would be to add individual non-working days and holidays to each of your work calendars.

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