NetClose - Prepare and Start Close Tasks


NetClose tracks tasks and their statuses, allowing users to update statuses as tasks progress and are completed. Status changes can be made directly from the Task List. If a reviewer is assigned, the task will include an additional review step.


Preparing Close Tasks

  • Navigate to NetClose > Tasks > Task List to view the list of generated tasks that need to be completed. The list is automatically filtered to the current period and user but can be adjusted as needed:
  • Click on a task to view its details:
  • The Due Date is automatically generated based on the task's close timing and the work calendar. The Start Date is recorded automatically when the task begins. Comments can be added and updated as work progresses. To update the task status to Working On It, click Start—this will update the task details in the list:
  • There are two ways to take action on a task, both of which are discussed in more detail below:

Tasks Action Column

Preparers and reviewers can manage tasks directly from the Task List without opening individual records. The final column of each task contains action buttons and status badges, allowing assignees and approvers to take quick actions. 

Step-by-Step Process

  • Navigate to NetClose > Tasks > Task List.
  • Filter the task list as needed, then use the final column to take specific actions for each task. A key outlining the functionality of each Action Button is provided below:
A blue forward arrow is used to submit a task for review when a reviewer is assigned. The blue color indicates that this action does not complete the task but simply advances it to the next step. 
A green forward arrow is used to complete tasks that do not require a reviewer. The green color signifies that clicking this button will finalize the task.
When a task is submitted for review, a green checkmark marks the task as complete. 
When a task is submitted for review, a red backward arrow sends the task back for edits.

Tasks Pop-Up Screen

Actions can also be taken from the pop-up when a task is open.

Step-by-Step Process

  • Navigate to NetClose > Tasks > Task List.
  • Filter the task list as needed, then click on a task to open it.
  • Use the buttons in the bottom right corner of the pop-up to progress the task as needed. Below is a key outlining the functionality of each action button:

Click to change the status to Blocked, used to flag tasks that have problems.

Click to mark the task as Complete.
The submit for review option appears when a reviewer is assigned to the task. Click this to change the status to Submitted for Review, moving the task to the Review Task List

Click to reset the task status to Not Started, clearing all comments, start dates, and completion dates.

Click to change the status to Working On It.

Navigating the Task List

NetClose includes features specifically designed to help users navigate and manage their often extensive task lists more efficiently. The following sections highlight key functionalities that improve task management and enhance usability.

Click here to see the walkthrough in full-screen.

Mass Updating Tasks

The system allows users to efficiently update multiple task fields at once using the Mass Update button.

Step-by-Step Process

  • Navigate to NetClose > Tasks > Task List.
  • Select the tasks that require updates and click the Mass Update button:
  • In the pop-up window, modify the applicable fields:
    • Status
    • Task Type
    • Classification
    • Assignee
    • Reviewer
  • Click Save to apply the changes to the selected tasks.

Task Filters

NetClose offers a variety of filter options that can be shown or hidden as needed.

Step-by-Step Process

  • Navigate to NetClose > Tasks > Task List.
  • Click the Preferences icon in the top-right corner of the page:
  • In the dropdown menu, toggle filters on or off to control their visibility, but note, however, that some filters cannot be adjusted:

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