Establish the Amortization Schedule
Once initial information related to a lease is saved and a lease record is created, the lease amortization schedule can be generated, which highlights what future balances and activity is expected to record as lease payments, ROU Asset, Lease Liability, Amortization/Expense, etc.
Prerequisite: Ensure that all variable payments are entered and that the lease terms reflect the likelihood of exercising any options.
NOTE: Adjustments can only be made via modification or termination.
Process Steps
Step 1:
- After saving required data for a lease record, select the Generate Schedule button at the top of the lease record to initiate the generation of the lease schedule for that record
- Once clicked, the Generate Lease Schedule script will typically take less than one minute to generate the lease schedules.
- While the schedules are being generated, the Processing Status indicator on the lease header will highlight “Processing Amortization Schedules…”
- Refresh the page until the Processing Status is blank again, indicating that the schedule generation is complete
- To review the lease schedule, navigate to the Amortization Schedules subtab, then to the Operating Schedule sublist
- Note that the Period 0 line establishes the ROU Asset and Lease Liability at the commencement date
- Any net differences at commencement are due to Lease Incentives, Initial Direct Costs, or Prepaid Lease Payments input on the header
- Periods 1-### correspond to subsequent month activity, which includes the following, depending on lease type
- Financing (All IFRS) > Payments, ROU Amortization, Lease Liability Accretion, and Interest Expense
- Operating (US Only) > Payments, Single Lease Expense, Lease Liability Accretion, and ROU Adjustments
- Note that all monthly periods have activity, even if no payment is made in that month