NetClose - Refresh Flux Balances


Flux balances may need to be refreshed when new transactions are recorded. NetClose will display a message to a user if balances changed for a flux scenario after they refreshed the balances. Below are examples of messages that may appear for specific accounts with balance changes:

Another way to determine if balances changed and that an explanation might need to be updated is by reviewing the Review Flux Analysis page. Applying the Balance Changed Quick Filter will display a list of accounts with balance changes. 

This article provides step-by-step instructions on how to refresh balances in the flux analysis.

Step-by-Step Process

  • Go to NetClose > Flux Analysis > Refresh Flux Balances.
  • On the Refresh Flux Balances page, use the available filters to locate a specific flux scenario. After selecting the desired scenario, click Submit to refresh the balances for that flux analysis:

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