NetCash Automation Rules


NetCash seeks to make bank reconciliations as easy and automated as possible. To assist with this, NetCash has automation rules to perform matching or creation of transactions without manual processes. There are three types of automation rules offered in NetCash:

  1. Auto-Matching - This type of rule is for transactions that you've already booked to cash, and you have specific criteria you can use to match a bank transaction to that already-existing GL transaction. This is especially useful if you have a third-party system that books your bill payments and customer payments in NetSuite for you. To learn more about this type, visit this article
  2. Transaction Creation - This rule is for transactions that come into the bank account, but the user does not typically book a bill/journal for them (bank fees, for example). This type of rule will auto create that bill/journal and match it to the corresponding bank transaction. To learn more about this type, visit this article.
  3. Auto Transfers - If cash is leaving one bank account and is going into another bank account on the same day (a bank transfer), then it is possible to create a rule that will automatically book that cash transfer and match the created GL transactions to their corresponding bank transactions. To learn more about this type, visit this article

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