NetLease Lease Header Data Upload

Use Case

Netgain has developed basic .csv upload templates that can be used to upload lease details in batch. These steps can be followed to review and obtain information on an existing lease or as a starting point to create a new lease. This can be especially helpful when there is a high volume of leases needing updating and loading. These steps can be followed to review and obtain information on an existing lease or as a starting point to create a new lease. Note that the following fields are always required with data uploads:

  • Lease Name
  • Lease Classification
  • Lease Type
  • Subsidiary
  • Vendor
  • Currency
  • Status
  • Commencement Date
  • Initial Payment Amount
  • Lease Term (Months)
  • Incremental Borrowing Rate %
  • Lease Incentives
  • Initial Direct Costs
  • Prepaid Lease Payment

Step By Step Process:

  • Open the lease header upload Excel template and fill out the lease details for the required header fields prior to attempting to upload
  • Note that Internal ID should be left blank                 
  • When finished updating the Excel File, save it in a known location as a .csv file
  • Navigate to the Import Assistant by accessing Setup > Import/Export > Import CSV Records

  • With the Import Assistant open, update the Import Type to Custom Records and the Record Type drop-down to NetLease Lease
  • Under the CSV files section, click on the Select button and upload the .csv file you saved

  • Select Next to progress to the Step 2 Import Options
  • Within the Import Options section, make sure Add is selected (or Update if doing a bulk update to NetLease) and "Run Server SuiteScripts and Trigger Workflows" is checked

  • After progressing through File Mapping you will be prompted for Field Mapping
  • Note that NetSuite tries to directly map all the fields it can recognize. When fields are not recognized, they must be manually matched between the .csv upload file and NetSuite fields. As noted above, ensure that all required fields are properly mapped.

  • If the fields are mapped correctly and the field contents match the field values in NetSuite, the upload will show complete and the leases will be available to view in NetSuite.

  • In the event of a failed upload, review the logs for the specific reasons for the failed load and repeat the steps above.

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