Approvals - Setup Multi-Match Message


This guide provides a step-by-step walkthrough to setup a message to display when a record meets multiple approval process rules using Netgain Approvals. This enables the ability to show a warning message on the transaction if multiple approval processes were matched with the approval process assignment rules. A comma separated list of rule names can be included in the message using the tag {ruleNames}.

PrerequisitesHave purchased and installed the Netgain Approvals bundle and have NetSuite admin access.

Step by Step Process 

  1. In the top right corner, navigate to ... > Approvals > Configs > Record Type Configs and select Record Type Configs.
  2. Select Edit or New Approvals Record Type Config.
  3. Check the Show Multi-Match Message box.
  4. Select Rules Multi-Match Custom Message and enter text.
  5. Select Save.


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