Analytics - Setting Paginated Search Results for Large Resultsets

Available from version 0.4.0, applicable to saved search-based data sources. 

Setting Up Paginated Search Results

When setting up data sources for direct-query links a value can now be set for "Page Length"

NetSuite has internal limitations regarding how much data can be held in memory when running large queries and breaking large data setups up into blocks of several thousand rows can help avoid these errors. The number of rows should be such to target no greater than 5MB chunk sizes. This usually just shows up as an error code 500, internal error.

In most cases setting the page length to around a third to half the number of rows being returned is sufficient to prevent errors. 

This will not impact the final data returned to PowerBI or Excel when direct query links are used, just the internal NetSuite handling of the data. Setting a smaller page length will slow down the overall speed of the query so it should be set as high as possible while still preventing the error from occurring. 

Note that this is only applicable for Saved Search data source types.  

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