NetLease Manage Custom Sourcing


NetLease can facilitate the sourcing of custom data from the lease record to the posting transaction. The following is the setup:

Sourcing on Lease Transaction Posting

Navigate to NetLease > NetLease Setup > Manage Custom Sourcing > New

Enter field information to define sourcing from the lease record to the posting transaction:




Input a unique name to define the custom sourcing.

TypeSelect "Transaction Posting" to source from the lease record to any automated posting transactions
From Lease FieldInput the lease field to source to (e.g. Location).
To Transaction FieldInput the transaction field to source from (e.g. Location).
Apply To ImpactsFilter the impacts for which this custom sourcing should apply (e.g. apply sourcing only for debits).
Apply To Transaction TypesFilter the transaction types for which this custom sourcing should apply (e.g. apply sourcing only for Termination entries).
Apply To Accounting BooksFilter the Accounting Books for which this custom sourcing should apply (e.g. apply sourcing only for Primary Accounting Book)
Apply To AccountsFilter the accounts for which this sourcing should apply to (e.g. apply sourcing only on Balance Sheet accounts).
Apply To SubsidiariesFilter the subsidiaries for which this custom sourcing should apply (e.g. apply sourcing only for the Parent Company).
Apply To ClassificationsFilter the lease classifications for which this custom sourcing should apply (e.g. apply sourcing only for the Financing leases).
Apply To Lease TypesFilter the lease types for which this custom sourcing should apply (e.g. apply sourcing only for Real Estate leases).

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