Approvals - Require One Approver


This guide provides a step-by-step walkthrough to require one approver for an approval process using Netgain Approvals. This is used when minimum approval thresholds are used with the approvers list. When the box is checked, if none of the approvers meet the criteria based on the amount filters, the lowest level sequence approver will still be included to make sure the record does not skip the entire process with no approval. This can also come into play when one of the lower level approvers gets filtered off due to also being the originator. When approvers are not allowed to approver their own transactions, it is recommended turning this on.

PrerequisitesHave purchased and installed the Netgain Approvals bundle and have NetSuite admin access.

Step by Step Process 

  1. In the top right corner, navigate to ... > Approvals > Configs and select Approval Processes.
  2. Select Edit.
  3. Select Settings.
  4. Check the Require One Approver (Bypass Max/Min) box.
  5. Select Save.


If any difficulties or issues arise, please reach out to for resolution.

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