NetLessor Standard Reports


Overview & User Case:

NetLessor is bundled with an assortment of reports to support monthly reconciliations, financial reporting, disclosures, and lease administration.

These reports provide practically all of the standard reports customers need to support required disclosures under ASC 842 and IFRS 16, as well as, additional reports to support lease management and compliance with key lease terms.

Each of the included reports are briefly described below. Most reports rely on the custom fields within NetLessor and therefore do not require additional configuration after being loaded to your NetSuite account. Note, however, that additional reports are dependent on GL accounts and therefore require customization. 

For help on Customization of Reports click here.


Overview & User Case:

NetLessor comes packaged with an assortment of standard reports designed to meet most of your day-to-day needs relative to Lease Accounting and Administration. In addition to the standard reports loaded, NetLessor users may find the need to further customize and configure reporting to meet specific needs.

The standard reports available are listed below with a short description.

G/L & Reconciliation Reports: Reports designed to reconcile balances between the subledger (lease schedules tied to each record) and the general ledger, as well as details within each clearing account by each lease.

  • NetLessor Capitalized Initial Direct Costs Ledger Detail > Detailed subledger to provide the sum of Initial Direct Costs for leases in a given time period.
  • NetLessor Deferred Rent Rec. (Deposit Liability) Ledger Detail > Detailed subledger to provide the sum of Deferred Rent Receivables for leases in a given time period. 
  • NetLessor Inventory Clearing Reconciliation >  Reconciliation report to highlight end-of-period balances in the Inventory Clearing Account by Lease.
  • NetLessor Lease Capitalized Initial Direct Cost Clearing Reconciliation > Reconciliation report to highlight end-of-period balances in the Inventory Clearing Account by Lease.
  • NetLessor Lease Receivable Clearing Reconciliation > Reconciliation report to highlight end-of-period balances in the Lease Receivable Clearing Account by Lease.
  • NetLessor Net Investment in Lease Ledger Detail > Detailed G/L report to provide the sum of Net Investment in Leases for a given time period.

Subledger Reports: Reports designed to pull schedules and details for each lease record. 

  • NetLessor Lease Amortization Schedules > Detailed subledger to provide amortization line items across all leases in the system.
  • NetLessor Lease Payment Waterfall Report > Netgain scripted subledger report that provides a summarized and drill-down detail of operating and finance leases and associated future payment amounts for the selected period. Drill-down to underlying future expense detail. This is expected to be used as a forward-looking report.
  • NetLessor Subledger Period End Balances > Asset & Liability balances for all leases at a defined period (must be filtered by a single period).

Disclosure Reports: Reports designed to support required disclosures, both for ASC 842 and IFRS 16 

  • Undiscounted Lease Maturity > Standard NetSuite saved search that provides a summarized view of leases and associated future payment amounts. This is expected to be used as a forward-looking report.
  • Weighted Average Rate Summary > Standard NetSuite search that provides a summary calculation of weighted average rate, which are a required footnote disclosure item (valid for single currencies only). Filter by the last full period being reported on.
  • Weighted Average Term Summary > Standard NetSuite search that provides a summary calculation of weighted average term, which are a required footnote disclosure item (valid for single currencies only). Filter by the last full period being reported on.

Management Reports: Reports designed to support required financial reporting, both for ASC 842 and IFRS 16

  • NetLessor Early Terminations > Standard NetSuite search that provides a detail listing of leases that were terminated within the date range selected.
  • NetLessor Expansion Option Listing > Provides a detailed listing of all leases with lease expansion options captured on the lease records, with additional details such as Subsidiary, Option Date, Exercise Date (if applicable), Lease Paragraph, Expansion Option End Date, and Expansion indicator.
  • NetLessor Lease Additions > Standard NetSuite search that provides a detail listing of lease additions for the selected date range.
  • NetLessor Lease Guarantors > Standard NetSuite search that provides a detail listing of lease guarantors, which can be a required footnote disclosure item.
  • NetLessor Lease Residual Value Details > Provides a detailed listing and summation of all lease residual value guarantees captured on the lease records by subsidiary, classification, and currency.
  • NetLessor Leases Ending Within 90 Days > Standard NetSuite search that provides a detail listing of leases ending within 90 days.
  • NetLessor Other Lease Contract Provisions > Standard NetSuite search that provides a detail listing of other contract provisions, which are added to a lease record by creating a NetLessor Contract Provision child record with the Contract Provision Type marked as Other Contract Provisions.
  • NetLessor Purchase Option Listing > Provides a detailed listing of all leases with lease purchase options captured on the lease records, with additional details such as Subsidiary, Option Date, Likely To Terminate Indicator, Exercise Date (if applicable), Lease Paragraph, and Lease Status.
  • NetLessor Renewal Option Listing > Provides a detailed listing of all leases with lease renewal options captured on the lease records, with additional details such as Subsidiary, Option Date, Likely To Renew Indicator (reflected in ROU & LL), Option Term, Exercise Date (if applicable), Lease Paragraph, Renewal Option End Date, and Renewed indicator.
  • NetLessor Renewals Due In 90 Days > Standard NetSuite search that provides a detail listing of lease renewal options due within 90 days. Lease renewal options are set by creating a NetLessor Contract Provision child record on a lease with the Contract Provision Sub-Type marked as Lease Renewal Option.
  • NetLessor Termination Option Listing > Provides a detailed listing of all leases with lease termination options captured on the lease records, with additional details such as Subsidiary, Option Date, Likely To Terminate Indicator, Exercise Date (if applicable), Lease Paragraph, and Lease Status.
  • NetLessor Variable Lease Terms > Provides a detailed listing of all leases marked as having variable lease payment terms by Lease Classification, Variable Non-Lease Payment Type (if applicable), Variable Rate Index type, Original NPV (contract currency), Currency, and # of leases meeting each category.

Administration Reports: To support management and reporting of lease transactions and abstract data

  • NetLessor Script Deployments > A listing of all the script deployments in NetLessor.
  • NetLessor Script Logs > A listing of all script logs generated from NetLessor scripts.
  • NetLessor Scripted Job History > A listing of all the instances of NetLessor batch jobs that have been invoked and their status.
  • NetLessor Scripts > A listing of all scripts in NetLessor.
  • NetLessor System Notes > A listing of all system notes generated from NetLessor custom records.

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