Lease Payment Waterfall Report


The lease payment waterfall report provides the future payment amounts by lease type in the selected period.

Please note that the NetLeaseGo Free version does not have access to the Waterfall Report.

Process Steps

Step 1:

  • Navigate to NetLease > Reports (All or Subledger) > Lease Payment Waterfall Report 
  • Select Run

Step 2:

  • The report search can be narrowed down by adjusting the filters for subsidiary, currency, department, class, location, lease, accounting period, or date 
  •  The filter button is found at top of screenshot above and filter fields for this report are found in the screenshot below


Select a date range of 1 year to see projected lease payments for the year

Step 3:

  • Once desired filters are set, click Preview button to view the reconciliation 

Step 4: 

  • Upon running the schedule, the user will see a summarized detail of leases and associated future single payment amounts by lease type for the selected period
  • The schedule has drill-down capability on individual leases and the underlying future payment detail. This is a forward-looking report

Step 5:

  • Select the Export button to download report into Excel


Is the report missing leases?

1. If desired leases do not appear in the report, check the selected filters to ensure leases are not being restricted from view

2. Verify leases status has been updated from pending to commenced or further

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