NetLease Menu & Navigation

Center Tabs & Categories

With the installation of NetLease, a new NetLease drop-down menu will be deployed along the center tab within each user’s NetSuite environment. The native drop-down schedule will appear as follows upon installation:

Standard Menu Detailed Descriptions 

Each of the standard menu items have the corresponding functionality:

Main MenuMenu Sublist ItemNavigation Description

NetLease Overview


NetLease dashboard home page, which can be configured to display your most important lease reports, links, and other defined details

NetLease HelpNetgain Knowledge BaseLinks to articles within the Netgain Knowledge base detailing how to use NetLease.

NetLease Setup

System Setup

Lease Global Setting Page for initial setup details and documentation of accounting decisions
Note that only one global settings record should be configured for NetLease

Manage Lease Types

Set each of the lease types and default GL accounts to be used for each balance and transaction type

Manage Custom Sourcing

Admin only. Optionally create setup records to automate sourcing from the lease to posting transactions.

Manage Custom Filters

Admin only. Optionally create setup records to define a custom filter for mass processing screens.

Manage Reporting PackagesOptionally create packages of reports to be generated in bulk.

Run Go-Live Journals

For all commenced leases with amortization occurring prior to the NetLease transition date, generate a transition journal entry putting the lease on the GL at the transition date

Mass Commence Leases 

For all leases in pending status with a schedule generated, update the status to Commenced as a single batch process

Run 840 to 842 Conversion

Admin only. Page to initiate the mass conversion of leases on the ASC 840 standard to ASC 842.

Time Machine

Admin only. Page to initiate the deletion of journal entries generated from a lease and refresh the lease to a selected time period.

Lease Management

New Lease

Create New Lease Record

Lease List

Review a listing of all existing leases

Lease Proposal List

Review a listing of all existing lease proposals

Schedule Line List

Review a listing of all the entries already run and scheduled to run

Modification List

Review a listing of all lease modifications run

Termination List

Review a listing of all lease terminations run

Transaction List

Review a listing of all transactions tagged with a lease

Mass Update Leases

Mass Lease Schedule Generation

Select from all leases in pending status, to generate or regenerate the lease schedules as one batch process

Mass Commence Leases

Select from all leases in pending status with a schedule generated, to update the status to Commenced as a single batch process

Mass Modify LeasesSelect from all approved NetLease Modification Proposals to mass modify

Mass Transfer Leases

Select from all leases in commenced status to transfer the leases as a single batch process

Mass Exercise Renewal OptionsSelect from all completed leases with renewal options selected to mass renew
Mass Close Out LeasesSelect from leases at the end of their lease term to clear out the remaining ROU Asset and ROU Accumulated Amortization balances as a single batch process
Mass Terminate Leases
Select from all leases in commenced status, to terminate the leases as a single batch process

Process Monthly Transactions

Monthly Lease Journals

Post Journal Page to initiate journal entries, which can be filtered by JE type, subsidiary, lease type, or specific lease

Monthly Reclass Journals


Option to initiate 2 types of reclass journals:
1. Reclass of Short-Term lease liability balances from Long Term accounts to Short Term reclass (optional process)

2. Reclass of unpaid interest payable balances embedded in the Lease Liability into Interest Payable (optional process)

Note: These reclass journals should be produced after all subledger activity is completed

Monthly BillsWith the Automated Billing feature enabled, this page is used to mark all leases for which bills should be generated for a desired period

Approve Lease Journals

Page to initiate the approval of all journals produced by NetLease

View Transaction Processing HistoryA listing of all NetLease leases broken down by processing status, period, transaction type, etc.
ReportsFavoritesA listing of all standard NetLease reports with the "Favorite" checkbox marked
All ReportsA listing of all standard NetLease reports
G/L & Recon ReportsA listing of all NetLease reports used to monitor G/L movements and perform reconciliations
Subledger ReportsA listing of all NetLease subledger reports pulling from the NetLease Lease Schedule Line
Disclosure ReportsA listing of all NetLease required disclosure reports
Management ReportsA listing of all NetLease lease management reports
Admin ReportsA listing of all NetLease admin reports
Generate PackagesPage used to generate and export any compiled report packages

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