Approvals - Setup Approval Limits & Amount Thresholds


This guide provides more information for managing approval limits and minimum and maximum thresholds to apply to approvers.

PrerequisitesHave purchased and installed the Netgain Approvals bundle and have NetSuite admin access.

Step by Step Process 

  1. In the top right corner, navigate to ... > Approvals > Configs > Approval Processes and select Approval Processes.
  2. Select View for the corresponding approval process.
    Note - If creating a new approval process, follow the steps here
  3. Select Edit next to the approval process line.
  4. Approval steps can be customized to be in effect or skipped if certain conditions are met. This is accomplished through the use of the Line Conditions fields as below:
  • Approval Limit - Enter an approval limit amount. Above this amount the next step in the approval process will be included. When the approval limit is reached, all subsequent steps will not be included.
  • Minimum Amount to Include Step - This sets the minimum amount to a step so it is included or excluded depending on the limits on that step. As an example, if there was a PO for $50,000 and the minimum amount was set to $100,000 then it would not be included, but if there was another PO that was for $125,000, then it would be included.
  • Maximum Amount to Include Step - This sets the maximum amount to a step so it is included or excluded depending on the limits on that step. As an example, if there was a PO for $50,000 and the maximum amount was set to $100,000 then it would be included, but if there was another PO that was for $125,000, then it would be not be included.
  • Record Amount Total Custom Field - This can be used to point to a different field as the basis for the total for Approval Limit, Minimum Amount to Include Step and Maximum Amount to Include Step. This also applies to your hierarchy total.


If any difficulties or issues arise, please reach out to for resolution.

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