NetAsset Suitelet Access
Suitelet access determines who can preform different actions in NetAsset. To limit access to the actions in the system to specific users, follow the steps listed below.
Note, the role "Administrator" and "NetAsset Administrator" should be selected for each action. If these are not selected, individuals who should have access may be limited in their use.
Step by Step Process
- Once the NetAsset bundle is installed, navigate to NetAsset setup page. NetAsset > NetAsset Setup > System Setup
- Select the System Features tab to view the Restrict Feature Permissions sublist
- Click the link to the script development for the desired feature permission. Deselect Roles (select all) and select the roles to have permission to perform activity. Select specific Departments, Subsidiaries, or Employees for further access or restrictions.
Restrict Feature Permissions
Category | Description | Example |
Approve Asset Transactions | Select users that will have the ability to approve asset transactions. Note: if auto approve has been selected, feature restriction will not apply. | Fixed Asset Accounting Manager |
Build Up Assets (from CIP) | Select users with ability to build up assets from vendor bills linked to construction in process accounts. | Fixed Asset Specialist |
Build Up Assets (from Clearing) | Select users with the ability to build-up an existing asset with assets coded to a clearing account on a vendor bill or JE. | Fixed Asset Specialist |
Create Assets (from CIP) | Select users with the ability to build-up an existing construction in progress asset with assets coded to a construction in progress account on a vendor bill or JE. | Fixed Asset Specialist |
Create Assets (from Clearing) | Select users with the ability to create new asset from an item/expense coded to a clearing account (as designated on an asset type record) on a vendor bill or JE. | Fixed Asset Specialist |
Dispose Assets | Select users with ability to dispose assets. | Fixed Asset Specialist |
Generate Depr. Schedule | Select users with the ability to mass generation or regeneration of depreciation schedules on assets with a status of Pending. | Fixed Asset Specialist |
Mass Revaluation | Select users with the ability mass revalue assets. | Fixed Asset Specialist |
NetAsset Global Setup | Select users with the ability to update the NetAsset global settings. | Accounting Mgr/Sys Admin |
Process Go-Live Journals | Select users with the ability to process go-live journal entries. | Fixed Asset Specialist |
Process Monthly Journals | Select users with the ability to process monthly journal entries. The following process applies for both new assets and establishing new balances as amortization on existing assets. | AP Clerk |
Process Usage | Select users with the ability to process depreciation usage for assets. | Fixed Asset Specialist |
Queue Additions | Select users with the ability to mass update assets with a current status of "Pending" to a status of "Ready to Capitalize" which allows the asset to book journals. | Fixed Asset Specialist |
Revalue Assets | Select users with the ability to revaluate an in-service asset. | Fixed Asset Specialist |
Split Assets | Select users with the ability to split asset into multiple assets. | Fixed Asset Specialist |
Time Machine | Select users with the ability to refresh assets to a specific period. This refresh will delete all applicable journal entries. | Accounting Mgr/Sys Admin |
Transfer Assets | Select users with the ability to mass transfer assets into a different subsidiary, department, class, or location. | Fixed Asset Specialist |