Punchout - Include Descriptions in New Item Names


As of version 1.10.12, Netgain's Punchout bundle allows for customization of item names generated from supplier data. Administrators can configure item naming based on the vendor code alone or by combining the vendor code with the description.

Configuration Options

  1. Vendor Code Only: Ideal when supplier descriptions are lengthy, ensuring concise item names.
  2. Vendor Code + Description: Combines both elements for more descriptive item names.

Setting Location

To include or exclude descriptions in item names:

  • Navigate to the Vendor Tile Configs in the Punchout settings.
  • Use the Exclude Description checkbox to prevent full descriptions from being added to item names.

Best Practices

  • Use Supplier Part Number Only: Recommended if the vendor returns long descriptions to keep item names manageable and clear.

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