NetAsset - Accum. Depr. Revaluations


The Accum. Depr. Revaluation report is a NetSuite Transaction saved search that provides a detail listing of assets revalued and the accumulated depreciation amounts due to asset revaluations for the selected period across each subsidiary and asset type.

How To


NetAsset > Reports (Transaction Reports) > Accum. Depr. Revaluations > Run


The report search can be narrowed down by adjusting the filters for subsidiary, department, class, location, accounting period, or date. The report will automatically update as filtering options are selected. 


Upon running the report the user will see all revalued assets in the selected period range. Each asset line item will include general information about the asset (Subsidiary, location, type, revaluation account #, etc.) and the sum of accumulated depreciation due to asset revaluation transaction. Select the Export button to download report into Excel.


1. If desired assets do not appear in the report, check the selected filters to ensure assets are not being restricted from view.

2. Variances in accumulated deprecation balances may occur if the necessary journal entries have not been posted i.e. NetAsset Revaluation Entry.

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