Punchout - Setting up Ship To IDs

Version 1.12.0 and above.

Setting Up Location Ship To IDs 

When purchase orders are transmitted to suppliers via the Punchout integration, a unique Ship To Address ID must be transmitted along with the Purchase Order. 

The Ship To Address is generally configured to correspond to a specific location in NetSuite. Locations are selected on each Purchase order. 

System Administrators must setup the unique identifiers on the location records before Punchout POs can be transmitted to suppliers. This can be done as follows on the "location" record type. 

It is recommend to pick a meaningful value as the address identifier such as the street number of the building. Any alphanumeric value can be used, however, the value must be unique for that specific location. 

Upgrading from Versions Prior to 1.12

For Punchout for NetSuite versions prior to 1.12 (August 2022) this field was no available and instead the internal ID of the location record will have been used. 

To ensure uninterrupted integrations with suppliers, this ID value must be kept constant moving forward, thus the "Punchout Address Identifier" field value should be set to the location internal ID. The internal ID of the location record can be found by browsing to the location record in NetSuite and looking for the "ID" parameter in the page URL. Example shown below

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