NetLease - Lease Liability FX Remeasurement Report


This report shows all posted impacts to lease liability long-term accounts on FX leases. Specifically the amount at the time of posting, the remeasured amount at the current exchange rate, and the gain/loss between them. 

Step by Step Process


NetLease > Reports  > G/L & Recon Reports > Lease Liability FX Remeasurement Report > Run


The search can be narrowed down by adjusting the filters for subsidiary, department, class, location, lease, and/or period. Once desired filters are set, click preview to view the updated report.


Upon running the report the user will see the relevant FX leases with their corresponding transaction information for the period by lease. The lease can be expanded to drill down to the underlying transaction information. The report will only show the first few columns, to view all information scroll to the right or export the information by selecting the export button to download report into Excel.


  1. If desired lease is not appearing, confirm that the lease status is not Pending and the lease has not been marked as inactive. 

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