NetAsset 2024.1


  • Alternate Schedules
    • Tax
      • Added option for bonus depreciation fields to be included for non-tax engine accounts
      • Added browser side defaulting of alternate end of life date based on alternate useful life
      • Improved handling of bonus depreciation when the asset is fully depreciated and then built up after the bonus depreciation is taken
    • Multi-Book
      • Added support for accounting books for alternate schedules 4-10
      • Added the ability to filter for a single book when running monthly journals
  • Depreciation
    • Depreciation Table Formulas
      • Added support for changing the basis from which percentage depreciation table amounts are calculated with new table formula fields on the depreciation method
        • Populate new fields on the NetAsset Depreciation Method to define the basis for table calculations at in-service and after modification:
          • Table Basis In-Service Formula
          • Table Basis Modification Formula
  • Disposals
    • Prior period disposals
      • Navigate to NetAsset > NetAsset Setup > System Setup and check the "Allow Prior Period Disposals" checkbox to opt in
        • Disposal will post as two separate schedule lines:
          • One line to record a true up revaluation for depreciation that should not have been posted
          • One line to record the disposal of the trued up balances
  • Performance
    • Implemented new batching mechanism to support higher volumes when running bulk jobs
  • Reliability
    • Updated link in "Page Limit Reached" message on Create Assets page to apply the currently selected filters
    • Added a retry mechanism to the NetAsset Build-Up process if the initial tagging fails to retry tagging grouped by transaction
    • Added control to prevent re-running of journals on transaction processing record until all journal processing jobs are complete
  • Reporting
    • Added filtering of user subsidiaries to the Asset Register report
    • Added new option on asset register reports, Use Posting Dates if Available, that updates the schedule line report to pull in transaction posting dates when there is a posted transaction on the schedule line
    • Updated subledger roll forward report so that accumulated depreciation impacts come in as negative amounts just like in the G/L roll forward report
  • Transfers
    • Updated transfer functionality so that non-depreciating assets with a status of capitalized transferred to an asset type with a depreciating depreciation method will automatically take on the new depreciation method, useful life, and the in-service date will be pulled forward to the transfer date
  • Minor Updates
    • Various bug fixes (see minor release notes)
    • Added navigation pane to side of all NetAsset custom records and suitelet pages
  • Fully tested for the NetSuite 2024.1 Release


Your NetSuite Administrator should follow the instructions outlined here for getting the upgrade.

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