NetLease Global Settings


As part of the initial setup, a user must navigate and set the global accounting preferences. These preference selections serve two important functions:

  1. Dictate how NetLease will perform its calculations and record lease transition entries, transactions, and modifications
  2. Provide links to the Suitelets that NetLease uses in order to edit access preferences to each activity

Step By Step Process:

  • Once the NetLease bundle is installed, navigate to the NetLease setup page via NetLease > NetLease Setup > System Setup

  • The navigation will bring you to a page that has a few key tabs:

General Tab:

The General tab for NetLease Setup constitutes your global settings.

General Settings Descriptions:

  • Select the appropriate settings under the General tab, which are described in more detail below:                                                                                                                       

    Field Name




    Accounting Standard


    The accounting standard to apply to all lease schedules and transactions for your instance, whether IFRS or US GAAP.

    ASC 842

    Accounting Standard Adoption Date


    The beginning day of the period in which the new lease accounting standard IFRS 16 or ASC 842 is effective for your company.


    NetLease Go-Live Date


    The beginning day of the period in which leases will be booked to the general ledger. No journal entries will be recorded to the G/L prior to the date indicated in this field.


    Default FX Historical Exchange Rate Calculation Date


    Indicate the default date the FX Historical Exchange Rate will be calculated for leases where the contract currency differs from the functional currency of the lease's subsidiary.

     Note that regardless of the selection, the commencement date will always be used if it is later than the selected date. The exchange rate calculated can be overridden on the lease record.

    Adoption Date

    Allow ROU Asset Useful Life Override


    Check this box to allow the user to override the ROU Asset Useful Life (used in lease expense calculations) at the lease level. If left unchecked ROU Asset Useful Life will default to the Lease Term.

    Automatically Determine Lease Classification


    Check this box to automatically determine the lease classification based on the latest criteria provided by the guidance.

    Prorate Payments


    Check this box to prorate any payments in partial months and to prorate change that happens mid-month.

    Allow Mid-Month Modifications


    Check this box to allow mid-month lease changes.

    Automate Close Out Journals


    Check this box to enable the automatic creation of a Close Out Entry that clears out accumulated amortization when the final period amortization is run. Recommended setting is off to allow review of leases pending close out via Mass Update Leases > Mass Close Out Leases.

    Automated Renewal


    Indicate whether modification proposals generated from lease auto-renewal settings will be and processed by default, created but pending approval, or not enabled as an option.

    Automatically Processed

    Renewal Option Creation Search


    Default system search for renewal option

    - Preferred Form -

    Renewal Option Form


    Default system form for renewal option

    - Preferred Form -

    Book Transfer Journal on Department Change


    Require the automated creation of an NetLease Transfer Entry to re-establish the lease account balances with the updated department in order to change the department on an asset.

    Book Transfer Journal on Class Change


    Require the automated creation of a NetLease Transfer Entry to re-establish the lease account balances with the updated class in order to change the class on an asset.

    Book Transfer Journal on Location Change


    Require the automated creation of a NetLease Transfer Entry to re-establish the lease account balances with the updated location in order to change the location on an asset.

    Book Transfer Journal on Segment Change


    Require the automated creation of a NetLease Transfer Entry to re-establish the lease account balances with the updated segment in order to change the segment on an asset.

    Delay Termination Posting


    Check this box to delay posting of termination journals until the monthly journal processing run. Note that termination cannot be delayed for FX or Multi-Book leases.

    Auto Approve Transactions


    Indicate the lease transactions to automatically approve upon generation within the NetLease module. Note that systematic transactions are typically approved automatically, however, users may default to pending approval and plug into workflow or choose an alternative approval approach.

     Our recommendation is to approve all, as the entries are system-generated. Many journal entries are created on a lease-by-lease basis, which may require a more extensive approval process.


    Default Lease Transaction Booking Date


    Indicate the default date to book all transactions created by NetLease. "From Lease" will set the transaction date based on the Lease Amortization Schedule. "From Accounting Period" will set the transaction date based on the accounting period being run.

    From Lease Record

    Default Lease Transaction Booking Day


    Indicate the default day of the month to book all transactions created by NetLease. For 4-4-5 (or similar) calendars, a mid-month day (e.g. 15th) is recommended to ensure that the transaction books to the correct accounting period.

     Note that initial balance journals will book on the commencement date, go-live journals will book on the go-live date, and reclass journals will book to the last day of the accounting period.

    31st (or last day of month)

    Default Lease Transaction Billing Day


    Indicated the default day to book all vendor bills. Note that this day can be overridden at the lease level

    31st (or last day of month)

    Reclass Transaction Form


    Specify the form to use when generating reclass journal entries.

    - Preferred Form -

    Bill Transaction Form


    Specify the transaction form to use when creating vendor bills.

    - Preferred Form -

    Book-Specific Transaction Form


    Specify the form to use when generating book-specific journal entries.

    - Preferred Form -

    Allow Closed Period Selection


    Check this box to enable the selection of closed period for processing on the monthly journal and time machine pages.

    Automatically Filter Sublists


    Automatically apply filters entered on lease selection pages (recommended unless volume is very high).

    Journal Deletion Control


    Check this box to disable the system from deleting any NetLease journal entries. This is currently done when reversing out a modification.




System Features Tab:

The System Features tab allows users to select the appropriate NetLease features to enable. The features are described in more detail below:

System Features Descriptions:

Field Name




Automated Billing


Check this box to enable the ability to automate the creation of vendor bills based on lease data. 

Custom Calendars


Check this box to turn on the ability to create custom accounting calendars (e.g. 4-4-5) that will drive the amortization schedule line period start and end dates.

Lease Proposals


Check this box to enable the use of lease proposals which separates out the creation of a lease into two steps and automates the determination of the lease classification.



Check this box to enable the book-specific journals system feature. This feature activates the ability to create Book Specific Journal entries for Leases.
 Note that Multi-book Accounting must be enabled to activate this feature.


Non-Lease Payments


Check this box to enable the ability to account for non-lease payments.

Payment Uplifts


Check this box to turn on the ability to specify a percentage to uplift payments every time a certain interval goes by (e.g. annually) and automate the creation of payment records based on the uplift defined.

Percentage Rent


Check this box to enable accounting for Percentage Rent clauses. This feature activates the ability to add a percentage rent clause to a lease, calculate sales, and run journals for percentage rent lease liabilities.


AI Upload


Check this box to enable AI Upload. Our AI Upload (lease abstraction) feature utilizes AI to scrape and populate key lease information for new lease contracts to a new lease record.


Bill Lease


Check this box to enable the ability to indicate whether a "Bill" button should be added to the lease record to allow a user to quickly create a vendor bill for the next lease payment that is due.

Calculate Sales


Indicate whether a "Calculate Sales" button should be added to the lease record to allow a user to quickly calculate percentage rent sales for a single lease.

Close Out Lease


Check this box to indicate whether a "Close Out" button should be added to the lease record to allow a user to quickly update the status of a "Pending Close Out" lease to "Complete".


Commence Lease


Indicate whether a “Commence Lease” button should be added to the lease record to allow a user to quickly update the status of a "Pending" lease to "Commenced". 


Export Lease


Indicate whether a "Export" button should be added to the lease record to allow a user to quickly export the amortization schedule for analysis or re-import.

Generate Schedule


Indicate whether a “Generate Schedule” button should be added to the lease record to allow a user to quickly perform the schedule generation on a lease.


Modify Lease


Indicate whether a “Modify Lease” button should be added to the lease record to allow a user to quickly perform a modification of a lease.


Run Journals


Indicate whether a “Run Journals” button should be added to the lease record to allow a user to quickly run monthly amortization journals for the specific lease.

Terminate Lease


Indicate whether a “Terminate Lease” button should be added to the lease record to allow a user to quickly perform a termination of a lease.

Transfer Lease


Indicate whether a "Transfer" button should be added to the lease record to allow a user to quickly perform a lease transfer.


 Restrict Feature Permissions:

Restrict Feature Permissions allows customization for segregation of duties for specific people or roles to have access to each feature. Refer to the NetLease Suitelet Access article for more information.

Import Tools Tab:

This tab houses various tools and links that a user might find helpful with regards to the import process. The tools/links are described in more detail below:

Import Tools Descriptions:

Field Name


Default Accounts and Lease Types Import

Click the link to open a tool that will help you get started in NetLease by importing a recommended chart of accounts and lease type account mapping.

Update Lease Types Saved Search

Click the link to run a saved search on all lease types, which can be downloaded as a CSV and re-imported in order to update existing lease type records.

Add Leases CSV Import Template

Click the link to download a CSV import template, which can be used to import lease records.

Update Leases Saved Search

Click the link to run a saved search on all leases, which can be downloaded as a CSV and re-imported in order to update existing lease records.

Add Lease Payments CSV Import Template

Click the link to download a CSV import template, which can be used to import lease payment records.

Update Lease Payments Saved Search

Click the link to run a saved search on all lease payments, which can be downloaded as a CSV and re-imported in order to update existing lease payment records.

Bulk Custom Role Permissions Import

Click the link to open a tool that will help you get started in NetLease by allowing you to bulk import role permissions to NetLease custom records and transactions.

Request Knowledge Base Access

Click the link to request user access to Netgain's knowledge base.



Classification Thresholds Tab:

This tab is used to set your lease classification thresholds.

Classification Thresholds Descriptions:

Field Name



Threshold % for Major Portion of Economic Life

Indicate the percentage the lease term should be of the economic life of the underlying asset in order to be considered a financing lease.


Threshold % for Present Value as a Substantial Portion of Fair Value

Indicate the percentage by which the present value of payments and the guaranteed residual value must equal or exceed the fair value of the underlying asset in order to be considered a financing lease.



Non-Lease Payments Tab:

This tab is used to set the name of your non-lease payments.

Classification Thresholds Descriptions:

Field Name



Non-Lease Payment Name 1

Indicate the name of the non-lease payment field users will see when entering non-lease payment information.


Non-Lease Payment Name 2

Indicate the name of the non-lease payment field users will see when entering non-lease payment information.


Non-Lease Payment Name 3

Indicate the name of the non-lease payment field users will see when entering non-lease payment information.



Percentage Rent Tab:

This tab is to set up you percentage rent calculation.

Classification Thresholds Descriptions:

Field Name



Default Sales Transactions Saved Search

The default search used to identify sales for a given lease's location. The specific lease's location will be filtered for automatically.

NetLease Percentage Rent Sales

Lease Location Identifier

Indicate which field on the lease record will be used to identify the physical location being leased. This field will be used to identify sales transactions.


Sales Transaction Location Identifier

The field on the invoice record used to identify the physical location being leased. This will have a corresponding field on the lease.


Default Months in Arrears

The difference in months from the relevant sales transaction period to the invoice on which the percentage rent payment is paid.
 Example: Percentage Rent payment based off sales from October paid with the November lease payment would be one month paid in arrears.


Default Payment Frequency

Indicate how frequently payments are due.




Licensing Tab:

This tab is used to see your licensing information:

Licensing and Usage Info Descriptions:

Field Name




The tier of NetLease product that has been purchased. In sandbox, this can be modified. In production accounts this is set by the product tier you have purchased.

NetLease Max

License Status

Indication of if your license is active or not. 


Date Last Synced

This field shows the date that your product was last upgraded.

11/15/2023 3:24:26 pm

Lease Count Limit

The number of leases purchased with your current license. 


Lease Count Towards Limit

The current number of leases (pending + commenced - inactive) that count toward your lease limit.



Manage Upgrades Tab:

This tab is used to set your preferences for managed bundle upgrades:

Manage Upgrades Descriptions:

Field Name



Upgrade Preferences

This field controls when your product will be upgraded next. You can choose to be upgraded every time there are changes, annually, bi-annually, or on a custom date of your choice.

Accept All

Last Upgraded Date

This field shows the date that your product was last upgraded.


Next Upgrade Date

This field holds the date that you would like your next product upgrade to be if your upgrade preference is Custom. NOTE: This date must be within one year of your last upgrade.


Send Release Notes To

List individuals who should receive release notes when the bundle is updated. 

Brittley Eldredge



For additional information on managed bundles, reference the NetLease Managed Bundle FAQ article.

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