NetLessor Menu & Navigation

NetLessor Menu - Center Tabs & Categories

With the installation of NetLessor, a new NetLessor drop-down menu will be deployed along the center tab within each user’s NetSuite environment. The native drop-down schedule will appear as follows upon installation:

With standard configuration of NetLessor, you will have additional menu items added. Please note, however, that the menu items and reports shown below are included with our standard implementation but can be configured differently by your administrator as desired to best meet your specific needs.

Standard Menu Detailed Descriptions 

Each of the standard menu items have corresponding functionality:

Main MenuMenu Sublist ItemNavigation Description

NetLessor Overview


NetLessor dashboard home page, which can be configured to display your most important lease reports, links, and other defined details

NetLessor Setup

System Setup

Lease Global Setting Page for initial setup details and documentation of accounting decisions
Note that only one global settings record should be configured for NetLessor 

Manage Lease Types

Set up each lease type by including the name of the lease type and its economic life in months.

Manage Account MappingSet each of the lease type and default GL accounts to be used for each balance and transaction type

Manage Variable Payment Types

Set variable payment types made by a lessee to a lessor for the right to use an underlying asset that vary because of changes in facts or circumstances occurring after the commencement date, other than the passage of time.

Manage Index RatesSet index rates that the payment types are based upon
Manage Non-Lease ChargesSet non-lease charges, (any activity that transfers a good or service to the lessee, in addition to the lease component)
Manage Custom Sourcing
Admin only. Optionally create setup records to define a custom filter for mass processing screens.
Mass Determine ClassificationSelect from all lease in pending status, to determine lease classification as one batch process
Mass Generate SchedulesSelect from all lease in pending status, to generate or regenerate the lease schedules as one batch process

Mass Commence Leases

Select from all leases in pending status with a schedule generated, to update the status to Commenced as a single batch process

Mass Run Transition JournalsFor all commenced leases with amortization occurring prior to NetLessor transition date, generate a transition journal entry putting the lease on the GL at the transition date as a single batch process

Refresh Leases

For all leases you have created journal entries for you are able to refresh the lease and bring it back to pending status. 

Lease Management

New Lease

Create New Lease Record

Lease List

Review a listing of all existing leases

Schedule Entry List

Review a listing of all the entries already run and scheduled to run

Modification List

Review a listing of all lease modifications run

Transaction List

Review a listing of all transactions tagged with a lease

Mass Update Leases

Mass Determine Classification

Select from all lease in pending status, to determine lease classification as one batch process

Mass Generate Schedules
Select from all lease in pending status, to generate or regenerate the lease schedules as one batch process

Mass Commence Leases

Select from all leases in pending status with a schedule generated, to update the status to Commenced as a single batch process

Mass Process RenewalsSelect from all leases in commenced status to process renewals  a single batch process
Mass Modify LeasesSelect from all leases in commenced status to modify a single batch process

Mass Terminate Leases

Select from all leases in commenced status, update the terminate the leases as a single batch process

Mass Close Out LeasesSelect from all leases in commenced status, to close out the leases as a single batch process

Run Monthly Journals

Run Monthly Journals

Post Journal Page to initiate journal entries, which can be filtered by JE type, subsidiary, lease type, or specific lease

Approve Lease Journals

Page to initiate the approval of all journals produced by NetLessor 

Financial & Disclosure Reports

Lessor Revenue Report

Report that projects future lease revenue period by period and thereafter for the defined period range. This is a Netgain-scripted report bundled with NetLessor

Lessor Balances Report

Report that rolls historical lease balances forward from one period to the next, indicating beginning balances, additions, deletions, and other adjustments. This is a Netgain-scripted report bundled with NetLessor

Undiscounted Lease Maturity

Detailed schedule of future payments to calculate undiscounted lease payments by quarter

Weighted Average Discount Rate Calculation

Detailed schedule to calculate weighted average discount rates

Weighted Average Term Calculation

Detailed schedule to calculate weighted average term

Administration Reports

General Description Disclosure

General summary of ROU & LL balances and counts of leases broken out by Subsidiary, Lease Type, Lease Classification, and Currency Types

Variable Lease Terms Disclosure

Listing of Variable Lease Terms including Non-Lease Payments and Variable Rate Index

Lease Renewal Options

Listing of leases with lease renewal options and indication whether likely to exercise

Lease Residual Value Detail

Provides a detailed listing and summation of all lease residual value guarantees captured on the lease records by subsidiary, classification, and currency

Lease Termination 

Listing of leases with lease termination options and indication whether likely to exercise

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