Punchout for NetSuite - Use Template Item if No Match

Table of Contents

  1. Overview
  2. Step by Step Process
  3. Troubleshooting


This guide provides a step-by-step walkthrough to use a template item in NetSuite if there is no match for the item based on the vendor code when using Punchout for NetSuite.

NOTE - If a mandatory drop-down list of items to select from is shown, this handling will never be applied.

Prerequisites: Must be logged in as an administrator in the NetSuite account.

Step by Step Process

  1. Navigate to Punchout > Punchout Configs and select Vendor Tiles Configs.
  2. Select Edit.
  3. Navigate to the Supplier Code Not Matched Handling dropdown and select Always Use Specific Item. NOTE - A generic item can be created if no template items exists.
  4. Select Save.


If any difficulties or issues arise, please reach out to supersync@netgain.tech for resolution.

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