NetAsset - Manage Custom Sourcing

NetAsset can facilitate the sourcing of custom data from the originating proposal transaction to the asset record as well as sourcing of custom data from the asset record to the posting transaction. The following is the setup for each:

Sourcing on Asset Creation

Navigate to NetAsset > NetAsset Setup > Manage Custom Sourcing > New

Enter field information to define sourcing from the originating proposal transaction to the asset record:




Input a unique name to define the custom sourcing.

TriggerSelect "Asset Creation" to source from the transaction on the capitalization screen to the asset and select "Transaction Posting" to source from the asset record to any automated posting transactions.
From Transaction FieldInput the transaction field to source from (e.g. Vendor).
To Asset FieldInput the asset field to source to (e.g. Vendor).
Field LabelOptionally input the name to use for the custom column field. Only relevant for capitalization sourcing where the field needs to be viewed on the transaction sublist.
Field TypeOptionally input the type of field the custom column will be. Only relevant for capitalization sourcing where the field needs to be viewed on the transaction sublist.
Field JoinOptionally input the internal ID of the field the custom column should join on. Only relevant for capitalization sourcing where the field needs to be viewed on the transaction sublist.
Field SourceOptionally input the field source list if the Field Type is List/Record (prefix should be “customrecord_” or “customlist_”). Only relevant for capitalization sourcing where the field needs to be viewed on the transaction sublist.

Sourcing On Transaction Posting

Navigate to NetAsset > NetAsset Setup > Manage Custom Sourcing > New

Enter field information to define sourcing from the asset record to posted asset transactions:




Input a unique name to define the custom sourcing.

TriggerSelect "Asset Creation" to source from the transaction on the capitalization screen to the asset and select "Transaction Posting" to source from the asset record to any automated posting transactions.
From Asset FieldInput the asset field to source from (e.g. Vendor).
To Transaction FieldInput the transaction field to source to (e.g. Memo).
AccountsInput the accounts for which this sourcing should apply to (e.g. apply sourcing only on Balance Sheet accounts).
SubsidiariesFilter the subsidiaries for which this custom sourcing should apply (e.g. apply sourcing only for the Parent Company).
Asset TypesFilter the asset types for which this custom sourcing should apply (e.g. apply sourcing only on Vehicles).

Sourcing on Inventory Reclass

Navigate to NetAsset > NetAsset Setup > Manage Custom Sourcing > New

Enter field information to define sourcing from the originating transaction to the inventory reclass record:




Input a unique name to define the custom sourcing.

TriggerSelect "Inventory Reclass" to source from the originating transaction to the inventory reclass entry.
From Transaction FieldInput the originating transaction field to source from (e.g. Custom Form).
To Transaction FieldInput the inventory reclass field to source to (e.g. Inventory Reclass Custom Column).
Field SourceOptionally input the field source list if the Field Type is List/Record (prefix should be “customrecord_” or “customlist_”). Only relevant for capitalization sourcing where the field needs to be viewed on the transaction sublist.

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