NetCash Limiting User Bank Account Visibility
By default, users can see any information about NetCash Bank Accounts. NetCash can be configured to restrict what NetCash Bank Accounts users have ability to view balances and transactions for by following the below steps.
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Step by Step Process
- Navigate to NetCash > Setup > System Setup
- On the System Features tab, check the"Restrict Bank Accounts Based on Subsidiary" field
- This field will restrict the NetCash Bank Accounts a user can see to their associated subsidiary
- The NetCash Bank Account subsidiary is determined by the GL Account linked to the NetCash Bank Account
- If there are users who should not have limited visibility, these users should be selected in the Users Without Subsidiary Restriction field
- Select Save
- The restrictions will now apply to the bank accounts the users can see on the NetCash Dashboard, all matching pages, all reporting pages, and teh Bank Accounts page. For automation rules and rule groups, users will be able to see and interaction with rule groups that include the NetCash Bank Accounts included in their subsidiary
Once the global setting is on, pages in the NetCash App UI will be hidden from users based on their subsidiary. However, transactions and bank accounts will still be visible in saved searches and native NetSuite pages until a subsidiary is added to the NetCash Bank Accounts, NetCash Bank Transactions, and NetCash Bank Reconciliations. The subsidiary can be added by running the NetCash | Subsidiary Sync | MR script.
- For the script to run navigate to Customization > Scripting > Scripts
- Select View next to NetCash | Subsidiary Sync | MR Script
- Select Deployments and select the NetCash | Subsidiary Sync | MR | 1
- Click Edit
- Click Save & Execute