NetClose - Manage NetClose Access

There are three aspects of NetClose access:

  1. Who can see the NetClose tab in the navigation bar.
  2. Who can access the NetClose pages.
  3. Who can perform actions within NetClose.

Each of these abilities is controlled in a different place. We'll address each below.


The NetClose SuiteApp must be installed in your instance of NetSuite.

NetClose Tab Visibility

By default, the NetClose tab will be visible to any role in the Accounting Center, Classic Center, and NetClose Administrator Center. The NetClose Administrator Center is a custom center created by the SuiteApp and has only the NetClose Administrator role assigned to it. For more information on what Centers and Custom Centers are, here's a link to a Netsuite Help article.

To adjust roles with visibility of the NetClose tab, navigate to Customization > Centers and Tabs > Center Tabs and find the 3 "NetClose" Center tabs. Select "Edit" but do not change the center associated with the tab. The center/tab combination is referenced by the upgrade script and changing the center will cause an error. You can use the "Content" subtab to decide which tabs will be available to each center/role combination. You can use the "Audience" tab to decide which roles will have access (default is "Select All"). If you need roles in a center other than these 3 centers to view the NetClose tabs, you'll need to create a new custom center tab for those centers that copies the other center tabs.

Any roles defined in these centers will be able to see the NetClose tab in the navigation bar. Being able to access the pages (or see the individual subtabs), however, is controlled on the employee record and with the employee role.

NetClose Page Access

Users who are able to see the NetClose tab may not be able to access any of the NetClose pages because they don't have employee-level permissions. If this is the case, this error will appear when trying to access a NetClose page:

These permissions give you very clear control over which specific employees are able to access NetClose and are controlled on the employee record.

To grant NetClose user access, navigate to an employee record and edit it. Navigate to the "NetClose" subtab and choose from the dropdown what kind of access should be granted. A user can have either Full access or Task Only access. A Full user will have access to all aspects of NetClose and will count towards your NetClose users. A Task Only user will only have access to tasks. Your Task Only users will not count towards your NetClose user limit.

To grant or remove access from a large number of employees, you should use a CSV upload. You can get instructions for this in our NetClose User Upload article.

You can always check the number of users you have in NetClose by going to NetClose > Setup > System Setup and going to the License/Usage tab. 

NetClose Action Performance

Being able to see the NetClose tab and having employee permissions to access the product are the baseline requirement for someone to get into NetClose. To be able to do or see anything in the system though, the employee's role has to have the correct permissions added to it. Having permissions dictate what certain roles can or cannot do gives you extremely granular control over segregation of duties; use these permissions to grant or restrict access as needed.

To learn how to set up the Roles & Permissions, check out this article.

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