NetLoan Collections Case Management


The NetLoan Collections module includes the ability to create and manage cases using NetSuite's native Case Management functionality. This article walks through the configuration process, case creation, and case management. 


The Collections feature in NetLoan must be enabled by following the System Setup instructions in the NetLoan Collections Module Overview article.

Setting Up Case Management

Create a Case Profile

  1.  The first step in setting up case management functionality in NetLoan is to set up a case profile in NetSuite. Case profiles enable users to apply different configurations to support cases. As outlined in this NetSuite article on Creating Case Profiles, case profiles include settings regarding Support From name and email address, as well as customer and employee case notification templates. Follow these steps to set up a case profile:

    1. Navigate to Setup > Support > Case Profiles > New. On the General subtab, enter a name for the case profile and fill out the remaining fields:

      1. From Name: enter the name to be shown in the From field on email notifications to customers.

      2. From Email Address: enter the email address to be shown in the From field on email notifications. This will be the address for communication sent from the Reply field in the case record.

      3. Subsidiary Filter: selecting a subsidiary in this field restricts the use of the case profile to a specific subsidiary.

      4. Anonymous Customer - Online Form: the default customer record to be used if a support case is entered through an online case by individuals with no existing customer record. This won't be used in NetLoan but is a required field and must be populated.

      5. Anonymous Customer - Inbound Email: the default customer record to be used if a support case is sent through Email Case Capture by individuals with no existing customer record.This won't be used in NetLoan but is a required field and must be populated. 

    2. On the Notifications subtab, select the Customer Notification Template used to notify customers when cases are created, updated, closed, or escalated. Select the Employee Notification Template used to notify employees when cases are assigned and updated. New templates can be created by navigating to Setup > Company > System Email Templates.

    3. Click Save.

With the appropriate case profiles set up, users have the option to manually create cases to handle customer situations or to automate the creation of cases via the Payment Status Record as outlined in this article

Manually Creating Cases

  1. To manually create cases for customer situations, navigate to the loan record in question. On the Management subtab, click on the Cases sublist and click New Case.

  2. Change the Custom Form field to the NetLoan Case Form:

  3.  On the NetLoan Case Form, fill out all required and relevant optional fields:

    1. Subject: Give the case a subject

    2. Profile: Select the case profile created in the steps above

    3. Company: Select the Borrower on the loan

    4. Status: Choose the appropriate status

    5. Other fields:

      1. Type: Select the kind of issue the individual or company is reporting.

      2. Assigned to: In order to have employee names appear in this list, their employee record must be marked as a Support Rep. This is done by navigating to the Human Resources subtab of the employee record and checking the Support Rep box, then saving. 

  4. Fill out the necessary information in the Interactions subtab on the case record:

  5. Save the case record. 

  6. To Update the case record when changes occur, navigate back to the case record, click Edit, and make the needed changes based on how the case has changed.

Automating the Creation and Updating of Cases via the Payment Status Record

  1. To automate the creation and updating of cases, users must decide when cases must be created and updated and set up the appropriate Payment Status records for when those changes should be applied. Moving into different Payment Statuses based on the number of days a payment is in arrears will drive the creation and updating of cases. Users can customize the case management based on their specific needs and set up the desired Payment Status records using the information in this NetLoan Payment Statuses article, working closely with their implementors and developers.

  2. NetSuite Case Escalation is also available to manage cases in NetLoan. See the following NetSuite articles about the NetSuite Case Escalation functionality, and talk with the Netgain implementation team for further information and assistance.

    1. Setting Case Escalation Rules

    2. Escalating Cases

    3. Closing Out Cases

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