NetLoan Collections Module Overview


Lenders utilizing NetLoan may wish to manage the collection of their loans. This article provides insight into when the Collections module is valuable, links to more specific guidance on functionality, and instructions on how to configure the system setup.

When is the Collections module useful?

Lenders using NetLoan will find the Collections module very useful when wanting to track the payment status of customer invoices and automate the creation of cases to track overdue payments which assists in collecting those payments. The following articles provide more detailed information about this functionality and configuration:

Module FunctionalityDescriptionArticle
Case ManagementCreating and managing cases for tracking overdue payments.NetLoan Collections Case Management
Payment StatusesOut of the box payment statuses and instruction for setting up custom payment statuses.NetLoan Payment Statuses

System Setup

The Collections feature in NetLoan is enabled by navigating to NetLoan > NetLoan Setup > System Setup > System Features and checking the box next to Collections:

In addition to enabling the Collections module on the NetLoan Setup page, users also need to set up an automated script deployment to run the Collections module at a specified frequency. This is done by navigating to Customization > Scripting > Scripts and selecting the NetLoan - Automate Jobs MR script:

On the script page, give the deployment a Title, ID, and change the Status to Scheduled. On the Schedule sublist, set the frequency at which the collections script should run.

On the Parameters sublist, select a Saved Search (if any) to filter down loans that the collections script should apply to. Enter "customscript_da_collections_mr" in the Script ID field. Additionally, check the box next to Collections: Update As of Date to update the As-of-Date field each time the collections script runs:

Click Save. The script deployment is now created and will run at whatever frequency selected. 

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