NetLoan - User Acceptance Testing Call Overview


This article explains the importance of user acceptance testing and provides an overview of how you can prepare for the user acceptance testing call, what will be discussed, and what typical next steps are following the call.

Client Preparation

Complete your user acceptance testing following the instructions provided in the NetLoan UAT Testing article. You will test the individual NetLoan product features using various NetSuite roles to ensure that both the features and permissions function as expected.

User Acceptance Testing Call

This call is used to discuss any unexpected results from your testing and make a plan to resolve these issues. This is also a great opportunity to ask follow-up questions about how to run certain functionality that is still unclear following the NetLoan training call.

Next Steps

  • Finalize testing on resolved items
  • Provide your stamp of approval to your implementation team that everything functions as expected
  • Prepare for go-live

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