NetLease - Reporting Overview

NetLease Reporting

Overview & User Case:

NetLease is bundled with an assortment of reports to support monthly reconciliations, financial reporting, disclosures, and lease administration.

These reports provide practically all of the standard reports customers need to support required disclosures under ASC 842 and IFRS 16, as well as additional reports to support lease management and compliance with key lease disclosure requirements.

Report List

Components of Lease Costs & Impairments ReportNetgain scripted report that provides a summary of lease costs by lease types to support your summary of lease costs disclosures required for your lease financial statement footnotes. Click through balances to obtain underlying balance detail. Filter for the the current reporting period.
2Early TerminationsStandard NetSuite search that provides a detail listing of leases that were terminated within the date range selected.
3Full Amortization Schedule - IFRSStandard NetSuite search that provides a detail listing of lease amortization schedules for IFRS (finance only) leases and associated key activity details for the selected date range.
4Full Amortization Schedule - Multi-ClassificationStandard NetSuite search that provides a detail listing of lease amortization schedules for multi-classification companies (details for both operating, financing, & short-term leases) and associated key activity details for the selected date range. This very helpful for pro forma or top-side adjustment support.
5Full Amortization Schedule - US GAAPStandard NetSuite search that provides a detail listing of lease amortization schedules for US GAAP (operating, financing, & short-term) leases and associated key activity details for the selected date range.
6Lease AdditionsStandard NetSuite search that provides a detail listing of lease additions for the selected date range.
7Lease Amortization Waterfall Report (Financing)Netgain scripted subledger report that provides a summarized and drill-down detail of finance leases and associated future amortization and interest expense amounts for the selected period. Drill-down to underlying future expense detail. This is expected to be used as a forward-looking report.
8Lease Balance G/L Roll Forward ReportNetgain scripted transaction report that provides a summary of lease balances and rolls forward activities for the selected period range and provides details of additions, deletions, and other activity. Expand lease categories and types to drill down to underlying transaction detail.   Filter for the the desired activity range, which is typically a full reporting period.
9Lease Expansion OptionsStandard NetSuite search that provides a detail listing of lease expansion options, which can be a required footnote disclosure item. Lease expansion options are added to a lease record by creating a NetLease Contract Provision child record with the Contract Provision Type marked as Lease Expansion Option.
10Lease Expense Waterfall Report (Operating)Netgain scripted subledger report that provides a summarized and drill-down detail of operating leases and associated future single lease expense amounts for the selected period. Drill-down to underlying future expense detail. This is expected to be used as a forward-looking report.
11Lease Expense, Depreciation, Payments & InterestStandard NetSuite search that provides a summary by lease of activity for the selected period, including payments, expense, and balance adjustments to support journal entry amounts across classifications.
12Lease GuarantorsStandard NetSuite search that provides a detail listing of lease guarantors, which can be a required footnote disclosure item. Lease expansion options are added to a lease record by creating a NetLease Contract Provision child record with the Contract Provision Sub-Type marked as Guarantor.
13Lease Interest Waterfall Report (Financing)Netgain scripted subledger report that provides a summarized and drill-down detail of finance leases and associated future amortization and interest expense amounts for the selected period. Drill-down to underlying future expense detail. This is expected to be used as a forward-looking report.
14Lease Liability Transaction SummaryGeneral Ledger transaction search that provides the lease liability GL balances through the selected period by lease. These balances should be compared against the NetLease subledger at period-end to ensure all expected transactions and balances per the subledger have been properly reflected in the GL.   Filter from "blank" through the current reporting period.
15Lease ModificationsStandard NetSuite search that provides a detail listing of modifications and associated details for the selected periods.
16Lease Payable Clearing Account ReconciliationReconciliation report to highlight end-of-period balances in the Lease Liability Clearing Account by Lease. Expected lease payments per NetLease should typically directly offset amounts posted and tagged to leases in Native NetSuite Vendor Bills.      Typically filtered by reporting month/period.
17Lease Payment Waterfall ReportNetgain scripted subledger report that provides a summarized and drill-down detail of operating and finance leases and associated future payment amounts for the selected period. Drill-down to underlying future expense detail. This is expected to be used as a forward-looking report.
18Lease PaymentsStandard NetSuite transaction search that provides a detail listing of vendor bill transactions tagged to leases. Filter for the date/period range desired.
19Lease Purchase OptionsStandard NetSuite search that provides a detail listing of lease purchase options, which can be a required footnote disclosure item. Lease purchase options are added to a lease record by creating a NetLease Contract Provision child record with the Contract Provision Type marked as Lease Purchase Option.
20Lease Renewal OptionsStandard NetSuite search that provides a detail listing of lease renewal options, which can be a required footnote disclosure item. Lease renewal options are added to a lease record by creating a NetLease Contract Provision child record with the Contract Provision Type marked as Lease Renewal Option.
21Lease Residual GuaranteesStandard NetSuite search that provides a detail listing of lease residual value guarantees and residual value estimates, which can be a required footnote disclosure item. Lease residual value details are added to a lease record within the accounting subtab under the Disclosure Information field group.
22Lease Termination OptionsStandard NetSuite search that provides a detail listing of lease termination options, which can be a required footnote disclosure item. Lease termination options are added to a lease record by creating a NetLease Contract Provision child record with the Contract Provision Type marked as Lease Termination Option.
23Leases Ending Within 90 DaysStandard NetSuite search that provides a detail listing of leases ending within 90 days.
24New Leases CommencedStandard NetSuite search that provides a detail listing of leases commenced during the selected period range.
25Other Lease Contract ProvisionsStandard NetSuite search that provides a detail listing of other contract provisions, which are added to a lease record by creating a NetLease Contract Provision child record with the Contract Provision Type marked as Other Contract Provisions.
26Renewals Due in 90 DaysStandard NetSuite search that provides a detail listing of lease renewal options due within 90 days. Lease renewal options are set by creating a NetLease Contract Provision child record on a lease with the Contract Provision Sub-Type marked as Lease Renewal Option.
27ROU Clearing Account ReconciliationReconciliation report to highlight end-of-period balances in the Lease Liability Clearing Account by Lease. Expected lease payments per NetLease should typically directly offset amounts posted and tagged to leases in Native NetSuite Vendor Bills.      Typically filtered by reporting month/period.
28ROU Ledger Transaction SummaryGeneral Ledger transaction search that provides the ROU GL balances through the selected period by lease. These balances should be compared against the NetLease subledger at period-end to ensure all expected transactions and balances per the subledger have been properly reflected in the GL.   Filter from "blank" through the current reporting period.
29Short Term Lease CensusStandard NetSuite search that provides a detail listing of leases marked as short-term or low value, which can be a required footnote disclosure item. Leases are marked as short term or low value within the lease record on lease creation within the accounting subtab under the Accounting Overrides field group.
30Subledger Period Schedule DetailsSubledger month-end balance report that highlights subledger balances for the period selected by lease. These amounts should be compared against Lease Liability and the ROU Transaction Summary Reports to validate that the expected balances per the NetLease subledger agree to the GL.
31Supplemental Balance Sheet InformationNetgain scripted report that provides a summary of lease balances by lease types to support your supplemental balance sheet disclosures required for your lease financial statement footnotes. Click through balances to obtain underlying balance detail.      Filter for the the current reporting period.
32Supplemental Cash Flow InformationNetgain scripted report that provides a summary of cash flow information by lease type to support your supplemental cash flow information disclosures required for your lease financial statement footnotes. Click through balances to obtain underlying balance detail.      Filter for the current reporting period.
33Undiscounted Lease Maturity AnalysisStandard NetSuite search that provides a detail listing of future undiscounted lease payments, grouped by lease type and payment year/quarter, which is your primary input to the required lease maturity disclosure.   Filter by periods beginning from the first period after the reporting period.
34Variable Lease TermsStandard NetSuite search that provides a detail listing of lease variable least term details, which include variable rates and non-lease payments, which can be a required footnote disclosure item. Lease variable rate details are added to a lease record within the accounting subtab under the Disclosure Information field group.
35Weighted Average Rate Detail Input
Standard NetSuite search that provides a detail listing of leases and rate details from which you can export and recalculate weighted average rate, which are a required footnote disclosure item. Filter by the last full period being reported on.
36Weighted Average Rate SummaryStandard NetSuite search that provides a summary calculation of weighted average rate, which are a required footnote disclosure item (valid for single currencies only). Filter by the last full period being reported on.
37Weighted Average Term Detail InputStandard NetSuite search that provides a detail listing of leases, liability balances, and term details from which you can export and recalculate weighted average term, which are a required footnote disclosure item. Filter by the last full period being reported on.
38Weighted Average Term SummaryStandard NetSuite search that provides a summary calculation of weighted average term, which are a required footnote disclosure item (valid for single currencies only). Filter by the last full period being reported on.
39Journal Entry Report: Go-LiveReport to export go-live (transition) journal entries for the defined period.
40Lease Balance Subledger Roll Forward Report
Netgain scripted transaction report that provides a summary of lease balances and rolls forward activities for the selected period range and provides details of additions, deletions, and other activity. Expand lease categories and types to drill down to underlying transaction detail.   Filter for the desired activity range, which is typically a full reporting period.

Favorite Reports

We have introduced into the product 'Favorite Reports'. You can check a box on any report record to make this a favorite and have it appear on your favorites list. Please keep in mind that this favorites list is the same for the company and not unique to each individual. 

You can mark a report favorite by editing the record and checking the Favorite box.

You can also edit your favorites by using the edit button on the report list as follows. (Make sure to unselect the edit button on this page as it makes it so the links on this page do not function.)

Report Customization

Each report has an associated report record that provides information about that report and allows it to show in the report list. The reports that come with the bundle are 'standard reports' and will be overwritten upon bundle update. If you would like to customize a report, please take the following steps. 

Step By Step Process:

1. Open the report you would like to customize by selecting the run button on the right side of the report listing.

2. Edit the report by selecting the edit this search button at the top of the form. This will be available for all saved search reports, for scripted reports where this button does not appear, please contact for help customizing these reports.

3. After customizing your report, rename the saved search and select 'Save As'. 

4. Go back to the report page and edit the report that you wish edit. 

5. Save and copy this report record.

6. Choose a name for the new report and update the saved search field and select the updated search that you just created a new version of.

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