Shared Transactions Inactive Allocation Templates


You might have an allocation template that you no longer need and you do not want showing up on your allocation template list or dropdown. This could be because this template was created and used for previous allocations, but you no longer have use for it. If you do not want to delete the template but you also do not want it showing on your list of active templates, the best solution is to mark the template as 'Inactive.' That way, the record of the allocation template still exists, but it will no longer show on your list or dropdown of active allocation templates.


  • Start by navigating to Netgain > Setup > Shared Transaction Templates
  • Check the 'Show Inactives' box

  • Once the 'Show Inactives' box is checked, you will be able to view all templates -- both active and inactive
  • You can change the status of a template using the checkboxes on the left
  • Once you have made your desired changes, ensure to 'Submit' your changes

  • Any inactive template will not show up as a template option on a transaction

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