NetLoan - Global Settings


As part of the initial setup, a user must navigate and set the global accounting preferences. 


  • Once the NetLoan bundle is installed, navigate to NetLoan setup page. NetLoan > NetLoan Setup > System Setup      
  • The navigation will bring you to NetLoan Setup which constitutes your global settings.


  • Select the appropriate settings under the General tab described in more detail below.

Field Name




Go-Live Date


The go-live date on which loans will be commenced and accounts will be impacted.
Note that no journal entries will be recorded to the GL prior to the date indicated in this field. 

Jan 1, 2022

Module Use


Indicate the role that will be played in the loan transactions (Borrowing, Lending, Intercompany).

Borrowing- when making principal payments and/or interest payments on a loan received.

Lending- when receiving principal payments and/or interest income from a loan given.

Borrowing, Lending, & Intercompany- when intercompany loans are used or if the borrowing AND lending modules are required. 


Default Loan Calculation AccountingYesIndicate the default way to calculate the monthly payments / interest rate for the loan.

Simple: Uses an IRR calculation method which assumes an evenly distributed flow of payments.

Precision: Uses an XIRR calculation method which incorporates the specific dates that payments were made within the month.

Default Calculation TimingYes

Specify how often you would like loan inputs like monthly payment and rate to re-calculate when entering in a new loan or a loan modification.

On Field Change
Schedule Period Numbering PrecisionYesSpecify the number of decimal places to go out to when numbering schedule line activity within the same period (e.g. 3.1, 3.2 vs. 3.01, 3.02). 1 decimal place precision is normally all that is needed, however, if you anticipate more than 9 unique payments within a single calendar period, 2 decimal place precision may be necessary.1
Default Loan Payment DayYesIndicate the default day of the month to apply payments to the loan balance on the amortization schedule.31st
Default Loan Payment Time of DayYesIndicate the default time of the day that payments are paid.End of Day
Default Loan Term UnitYesIndicate the length of 1 unit when entering the loan term. (e.g. Loan Term of 12 = 12 recurring payments starting from the initial payment date when entering payments.)Active Accounting Periods
Generate Schedule On Loan CreationNoIndicate whether to automatically generate the loan schedule on creation of the loan record in the user interface (will not run on CSV import).
Regenerate Schedule On Loan SaveNoIndicate whether to automatically regenerate the loan schedule on save of schedule-impacts changes to pending loan records in the user interface (will not run on CSV import).
Default Origination Fees Amortization MethodYesIndicate the method used to calculate amortization of loan origination fees, discounts, and premiums.
Straight Line: evenly amortizes the fees/discount/premium over the life of the loan.
Effective Interest : Loan Principal: each period, the fee/discount/premium is amortized by calculating the difference in interest between using the effect interest rate and the APR as applied on the loan balance. 
Effective Interest : Loan Principal - Fee/Discount/Premium:  each period, the fees/discount/premium is amortized by calculating the difference in interest between using the effect interest rate as applied on the loan balance after subtracting out fees and discount/premium and the APR as applied on the loan balance. 
Straight Line
Allow Auto-Generation Of Bill From New PaymentsNoCheck this box to display the "Automatically Generate Bill" option on the Loan Modification Suitelet and Loan Modification Proposal record.
Default Loan Billing DayYesIndicate the default day of the month on which to post vendor bills and invoices.31st
Monthly Journal Filtering PreferenceNoSpecify whether to provide an Accounting Period filter when running monthly NetLoan journals (commonly preferred for loans with monthly payments) or Start/End Date filters (commonly preferred for loans with daily/weekly payments).Filter by period
Allow Closed Period SelectionNoCheck this box to enable the selection of closed period for processing on the monthly journal and time machine pages.
Allow Summarized JournalsNoIndicate whether users should be allowed to post amortization entries by subsidiary instead of by loan. Contact to get this feature enabled.
Auto Eliminate Intercompany TransactionsNoIndicate whether intercompany loans should generate an auto-eliminating intercompany journal or separate NetLoan transactions.
Auto Approve TransactionsYesIndicate the loan transactions to be automatically approved upon generation by the NetLoan module. Our recommendation is to approve all as the entries are system-generated. Many journal entries are created on a loan by loan basis, which may require a more extensive approval process. Hold down the Ctrl button to select multiple entries.NetLoan Amortization Entry
Reclass Transaction FormNoSpecify the transaction form to use when creating reclass journals.- Preferred Form -
Vendor Bill Transaction FormNoSpecify the transaction form to use when creating vendor bills.- Preferred Form -
Invoice Transaction FormNoSpecify the transaction form to use when creating invoices.- Preferred Form -
Automatically Filter SublistsNoAutomatically apply filters entered on loan selection pages (recommended unless volume is very high).
As Of Date Reporting: Allow UI UpdateNoCheck this box to allow saving of Loan Summary fields if user edits the "As Of Date" field on Loan Records in the User Interface. If this box is unchecked, the loan summary values will be reset upon saving the Loan.
As Of Date Reporting: Auto Update On Billing & PaymentNoCheck this box to automatically update the "As Of Date" field on loans when Bills/Invoices are created and paid.
Default Script Concurrency LimitNoSpecify the number of processors to use when running map/reduce scripts.- None -
Default Script PriorityNo

Specify the priority when running map/reduce scripts.

High: Use to mark critical scripts that require more immediate processing. These jobs go to the processing pool first.

Standard: This is the default setting. It is considered to be a medium priority level. These jobs go to the processing pool after all high priority jobs.


  • Next, move to the Loan Origination tab to select the appropriate features to enable, described in more detail below.


Field NameRequiredDescriptionExample
Auto-Numbering PreferenceYes

Indicate the method by which Loan IDs should be populated.

Default: Uses the prefix and the numbering conventions laid out directly on the NetLoan Loan custom record.

Manual: Forces users to specify the loan ID manually whenever creating a new loan record.

Custom: Allows user to specify their own loan ID prefix.

Loan Type: Uses the loan prefix listed on the loan type record and numbers according to the number of loans within that loan type.

Subsidiary: Uses the loan prefix listed on the subsidiary record and numbers according to the number of loans within that subsidiary.

Auto-Numbering PrefixNoIndicate the prefix used when auto-generating loan IDs.LN
Auto-Numbering Minimum DigitsNoIndicate the minimum number of digits that should follow the prefix when auto-generating loan IDs.4
Allow Billing Of Down PaymentNo

Indicate whether the down payment should be captured in the Initial Balance entry.

Enabling this setting will debit the "Loan Payment Receivable Clearing" account for the down payment amount, and increase the credit to the "Loan Origination / Proceeds Clearing" account for the down payment amount.

Apply Down Payment To Loan BalanceNoIndicate whether the down payment should be allocated to the loan balance entered or should be considered already applied to the loan balance prior to entry.
Initial Payment Calculation Type
YesSetting the default way to calculate the initial payment date or the payment date when entering a loan.
Initial Payment Periods In Arrears
YesSelect the default number of periods to push the initial payment date past the origination date.
Initial Payment In Arrears Unit Of Measure
YesSelect the unit of measure to use when calculating the default initial payment date.
Allow Interest Free Periods
NoIndicate whether to allow the user to enter interest free periods into the beginning of the loan. Interest Free Term and Initial Date will be hidden unless this is turned on.

Show Original Loan Inputs
NoSelect whether to display original loan inputs on the loan record.

Commence Loan On Shipment Of Source Transaction
NoSelect whether to automatically commence the loan upon fulfillment of the source sales order transaction.
Default Origination Date From
YesSelect how the loan origination date should be defaulted in.
Source Transaction Date
Financing Options Sublist Search
YesThe search used to create the columns in the sublist on the sales order that user can calculate financing options and create a loan from.
NetLoan Financing Options Sublist
  • Next, move to the System Features tab to select the appropriate features to enable, described in more detail below


 Field NameRequiredDescriptionExample
Automated BillingNoCheck this box to turn on the ability to automate the creation of vendor bills or invoices based on loan data.
Automatic ModificationsNoCheck this box to automatically update loan amortization schedules on a regular basis for new, updated, or deleted NetLoan Payment and/or NetLoan Rate records without going through a formal modification process. Update the NetLoan - Scheduled Schedule MR deployments to change the frequency of schedule updates.
Check this box to turn on the ability to track the payment status of customer invoices and automate the creation of cases to track overdue payments.

Custom CalendarsNoCheck this box to turn on the ability to create custom accounting calendars (e.g. 4-4-5) that will drive the amortization schedule line period start and end dates.
Discount & Premium AmortizationNo

Indicate whether a Discount or Premium amount should be available on the loan.

Financing Options
Check this box to turn on the ability to create financing options for customers directly from sales order which will ultimately become a NetLoan Loan record if the sales order is approved and a financing option is selected.

Non-Loan PaymentsNoCheck this box to turn on the ability to account for non-loan payments.
Servicer Loans
Check this box to turn on the ability to allow loans to be serviced for underlying investors.

Bill LoanNoIndicate whether a "Bill" button should be added to the loan record to allow a user to quickly create a vendor bill for the next loan payment that is due.
Commence Loan
Indicate whether a "Commence" button should be added to the loan record to allow a user to quickly update the status of a "Pending" loan to "Commenced".

Export LoanNoIndicate whether an "Export" button should be added to the loan record to allow a user to quickly export the loan amortization schedule for re-import.
Generate Schedule
Indicate whether a "Generate Schedule" button should be added to the loan record to allow a user to quickly generate a schedule for a loan.

Modify LoanNoIndicate whether a "Modify" button should be added to the loan record to allow a user to quickly perform a loan modification.
Propose Modification
Indicate whether a "Propose Modification" button should be added to the loan record to allow a user to quickly create a modification proposal.

Run JournalsNoIndicate whether a "Run Journals" button should be added to the loan record to allow a user to quickly book monthly journals for a single loan.
  • Restrict feature permissions allows customization for segregation of duties for specific people or roles to have access to each feature. Refer to the NetLoan Suitelet Access article for more information.
  • Next, move to the Import Tools tab to see the import tool information:


This tab houses various tools and links that a user might find helpful with regards to the import process. The tools/links are described in more detail below:

Field NameDescription
Add Loans CSV Import TemplateClick the link to download a CSV import template, which can be used to import lease records.
Update Loans Saved SearchClick the link to run a saved search on all loans, which can be downloaded as a CSV and re-imported in order to update existing loan records.
Add Loan Payments CSV Import TemplateClick the link to download a CSV import template, which can be used to import loan payment records.
Update Loan Payments Saved SearchClick the link to run a saved search on all loan payments, which can be downloaded as a CSV and re-imported in order to update existing loan payment records.
Add Loan Rates CSV Import TemplateClick the link to download a CSV import template, which can be used to import loan rates records.
Update Loan Rates Saved SearchClick the link to run a saved search on all loan rates, which can be downloaded as a CSV and re-imported in order to update existing loan rate records.
Bulk Custom Role Permissions ImportClick the link to open a tool that will help you get started in NetLoan by allowing you to bulk import role permissions to NetLoan custom records and transactions.
Request Knowledge Base AccessClick the link to request user access to Netgain's Knowledge Base.
  • Next, move to the Non-Loan Payments tab to see the non-loan payment information:

Field NameRequiredDescriptionExample
Non-Loan Payment Name 1NoThe name the user will see when entering this non-loan payment.Escrow
Non-Loan Payment Name 2NoThe name the user will see when entering this non-loan payment.Taxes
Non-Loan Payment Name 3NoThe name the user will see when entering this non-loan payment.Fee

For additional information on Non-Loan Payments, reference the NetLoan Non-Loan Payments Setup article.

  • Next, move to the Managed Upgrades tab to set your preferences for managed bundle upgrades.


Field NameDescriptionExample
Upgrade PreferencesThis field controls when your product will be upgraded next. You can choose to be upgraded every time there are changes, annually, bi-annually, or on a custom date of your choice.Accept All
Last Upgraded DateThis field shows the date that your product was last upgraded.3/17/2024
Next Upgrade DateThis field holds the date that you would like your next product upgrade to be if your upgrade preference is Custom. NOTE: This date must be within one year of your last upgrade.3/17/2024
Send Release Notes ToList individuals who should receive release notes when the bundle is updated.John Smith

For additional information on managed bundles, reference the NetLoan Managed Bundle FAQ article.

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