NetClose - Task Dependencies

Task dependencies allow you to limit the progress of one task, based on the status of a different task. For example, you want task 1 to be approved before task 2 can be commenced. Another example, you cannot submit task 2 for approval before task 1 has been approved itself. With the NetClose Task Dependency feature, you can easily set up these relationships amongst tasks and bring more structure and order to your close process.

Step by Step

There are two ways to add dependencies to tasks:
1. Manually adding the dependencies to a task
2. Adding task dependencies in mass via CSV upload

Manually adding Dependencies

Start by navigating to the template of the close task that you would like to add a dependency to. It is important that you add the dependency to the task template itself, so that this dependency will be included in any task that is generated from the template. You can see your task list by navigating to NetClose > Lists >Tasks and by changing your view in the top left corner to 'Close Task Templates Only'. Next, click 'edit' on which ever task you are adding a dependency to. Once the edit task page opens up, navigate to the 'Dependency' subtab.

From here you can add as many dependencies as desired:

Limit Task StatusThis limits the progression of the status of the current task. Please select the status of the task that should be limited and dependent on another task.
Dependent TaskThe task that is selected here will be the one that limits the progression of your task.
Dependent Task StatusPlease select the status of the limiting task that will allow the progression of the limited task.

Once you have finished setting up your dependencies, go ahead and save your changes. The next time this task is generated, the dependencies will be included on the task sheet.

Adding Dependencies via CSV Upload

When needing to add a lot of dependencies at once, it is most effective to add the dependencies via CSV upload. First we need to gather all the dependency information that we want to upload. You will need the following columns for your upload:

Column NameRequired/OptionalExample
Task Name
RequiredRun DepreciationList the name of the task whose status you want to limit based on another task's status.
Task Internal IDOptional5Internal IDs are not required for CSV uploads but they do facilitate the process, as task names can often be misspelled.
Limit Task StatusRequired
Submitted for ReviewThe limited task will not be able to progress to this status unless the dependency is fulfilled.
Dependent TaskRequired
Add Asset ModificationsList the name of the task that will be limiting the status of the task listed above.
Dependent Task Internal ID
Optional3Internal IDs are not required for CSV uploads but they do facilitate the process, as task names can often be misspelled.
Dependent Task Status
CompleteSelect the status of the limiting task that will allow the progression of the limited task.

Once you have all the information above listed in a CSV file, you can begin your file upload. Navigate to Setup > Import/Export > Import CSV Records. Change the 'Import Type' to 'Custom Records' and the 'Record Type' to 'NetClose Dependent Task.' Then upload your CSV file and click 'Next'.

On the next page labeled 'Import Options' ensure 'Add' is checked, as we are uploading new dependencies. Click 'Next'.

On the 'Field Mapping' page, make sure all fields from your template are mapped to the NetSuite field. You do not have to map both template name and template ID. Rather you can use one or the other. We recommend using internal IDs as these help avoid errors caused by misspelled task names. When using the internal IDs, ensure you change the reference type to 'Internal ID' by clicking on the little pen icon. When using the task name, the reference type does not need to be changed -- but the spelling on the template needs to match exactly the spelling of the task name in NetClose. Once everything looks good click 'Next' and then 'Run' the upload.

If the upload went smoothly, you should now see the new dependencies on your task template under the 'Dependency' subtab. Please keep in mind that a single task can have multiple dependencies.

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